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Tactical agronomy research update at Breeza

Daniel Rodriguez, and our collaborator Loretta Serafin of NSW DPI, were among the presenters at the GRDC Research Update at Breeza, New South Wales. Both researchers gave presentations on the agronomy of dryland sorghum.

Daniel's presentation showed the benefits of matching hybrids and management to site and seasonal conditions, and the role dynamic climate forecasts have in improving returns and lowering risks in dryland cropping. The paper associated with his presentation can be found here.

Loretta presented the early season results from the NSW component of our joint project investigating sowing sorghum and maize into soil at sub-optimal temperatures. For sorghum, it was observed that sowing into cool soils produced long delays and/or impaired emergence. These effects were less pronounced in maize, which agrees with its reputation for greater cold tolerance. The paper associated with Loretta's presentation can be found here.

Joe Eyre of UQ-QAAFI discussing planter technology for early season crop establishment

Joe Eyre of UQ-QAAFI (foreground) discussing planter technology for early season crop establishment at our Warra field trial.

We would like to thank the GRDC for investing in this research and for the opportunity to present our findings to growers, advisors and industry stakeholders.

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