For more information:
Prof Daniel Rodriguez (UQ-QAAFI)
Optimising Sorghum Agronomy
UOQ 18058-001RTX
Water stress and extreme heat at flowering are common stresses limiting yield in sorghum production across Australia's Northern Grains Region. WINTER SOWN SORGHUM can reduce the impact of these stresses, and increase the likelihood of double cropping chickpea after a short summer fallow.
However, questions remain in terms of (i) the impact of cold soils on crop emergence and establishment; (ii) the likelihood and impact of early frosts damage; (iii) the effects on water use and water use efficiency; and (iv) the implications at the cropping system level.
These questions are being researched by this project thanks to funding from the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and the collaboration from New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, and the Queensland's Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.